Monday 18 February 2013


London is my favourite place in the UK. Sure, I actually haven't been to half of the UK but I am really drawn to the capital. It's fashionable, the architecture is gorgeous, the history incredible, the shopping exquisite and it's urban. A far cry from the green fields that surround my town of 10,000.

I went to London last weekend for a British Youth Council event and I fell in love with the city all over again.

I learnt so much and met so many interesting people at the event and even a girl who Ive been in contact with for the last 6 months but we just hadn't had the chance to meet yet!!

That day I felt like I was in some kind of movie, I was wearing my favourite pair of red heels as I (quite literally) ran through St Pancreas as a piano played (not a lie as I had to run past the International Areivals section) to go find this boy that had been my rock for the past 18 months. We met online during the Summer of 2011, he lived in sunny Malta and I lived in rainy England and that rainy Saturday in February we got to meet.

And after we were cruelly forced away from each other as he had to go to his hotel I received a phone call from another person I had met online during 2011 and so I ran across the road and met my fellow Potterhead friend for the first time in front of Platform 9 3/4s. What a fitting first meeting!!

It was an emotional day where I got to meet so many incredible people for the first time! Furthermore, Selfridges was also a first for me. I'm into period drama big time and I quite like the new series about Selfridges and so having a look round was a must! Nobody had told me how incredible it was!! It was beautiful and is now my joint favourite store in London!!

Thursday 31 January 2013


I have an obsession with the colour red. I've gone through colour phases before, pink, purple, but red has been my third and final colour choice Red always appealed to me because of it's BOLD statements, it just screams 'Look at me' and I really am that type of person.  It expresses everything that I want to be: loud, sexy, bold, unique.

( Red Dior Nail Polish )
I got this nail polish for Prom back in June and it is pretty much the only nail polish I use, whatever the colour I want I'm going Dior from now on. However I really doubt that I will be wearing anything but RED for the next few months.

(Red Dior Lipstick with Monsoon dress and Red Monsoon cardigan)
Again, I got the red lipstick for Prom, I wear red lipstick pretty much ever day (except when I wear particular colours) but I have to admit this lipstick didn't cut it for me. It comes off very quickly so I had to apply it between every single class and even though I rarely use it now it's running down quite quickly. I'll stick to Clarins for red lipstick now or I might just have to try some lipgloss. 
Although you can't really see the dress, this was my favourite buy in a long time. It's knee length (or it was when I bought it 10 months ago) and from Monsoon, it cost me £70 but oh was it worth it!! I got it for my trip to India and although I only wore it once I have certainly made up for it ever since as I like to wear it for a 1930s era look (and i'm obsessed with that decade).

(Red Telephone box- London)
So London is my favourite place in the UK, I am obsessed obsessed with it. It has amazing architecture and history that's just so enthralling and I really really want to go to University there so bad!!! I took this picture back in September time when I went up to see Big Ben with the Dorset Youth Council.

(Costa- It's a shade of red right?) 
Costa is my favourite chain café on the planet. My little town has so many independent cafés and when there were proposals to have a Costa on the high street (ironically called Cheap Street) there was A LOT of opposition. However, it hasn't really changed anything having it here it's just that's where all the young people go (because their hot chocolate is supermegafoxyawesomehot). 

(Red Jack Wills Headband)
So Jack Wills is my FAVOURITE store on earth and their sales are just heavenly and not to be sniffed at. On Boxing Day 2011 I was in the Winchester store and my Mum found this hairband for me. I wore it pretty much everyday throughout the first half of 2012 and I still wear it on occasions now (the only problem is my head is a tiny bit too wide so the band doesn't go down below my ears and so falls forward whenever I bend my head to write stuff!!

(The Red hair of Karen Gillan aka AMY POND)
I hate to say this but when Matt Smith and Karen Gillan walked onto my TV screens after David Tennant left I didn't really like them. I did love David so much but that wasn't why I didn't like them, I thought Matt looked like a paedophile is his black and white mugshot and I just didn't like Karen very much I didn't like her character at all. That all changed half way through the second? series when I suddenly became OBSESSED with Amy Pond. This was also around the time everybody was realising I looked like her and would on occasion tell me (I still smile like crazy whenever anybody says this). Karen has a rounded face and it was her that made me feel comfortable with my facial features. 

(The Rather Big Red hair of MOI)
I'm a redhead and I love it. Red hair is a unique hair colour that still constitutes as natural and I do like to be different. I still don't ever know how I managed to get hair as big as this (taken June 2012) but I really wish I knew as I really don't like my hair at the moment, it is far too limp.

(Red heels by Jasper Conran)
These are the new additions to my life, having been opened less than four hours ago and oh how in love with them I am. I've always loved heels (they are just innately beautiful) and of course I needed a pair of red ones to join my wardrobe!! Instead of paying £375 from Louis Vuitton (like some people I know) I was perfectly prepared to pay £32 in the sale at Debenhams for these. Plus they're from the J by Jasper Conran range and oh how I adore it. My friend and I, back when we were 13, stumbelled across this range on a shopping trip to Bath where i bought a red skirt (naturally) and we really did love it.