Monday 18 February 2013


London is my favourite place in the UK. Sure, I actually haven't been to half of the UK but I am really drawn to the capital. It's fashionable, the architecture is gorgeous, the history incredible, the shopping exquisite and it's urban. A far cry from the green fields that surround my town of 10,000.

I went to London last weekend for a British Youth Council event and I fell in love with the city all over again.

I learnt so much and met so many interesting people at the event and even a girl who Ive been in contact with for the last 6 months but we just hadn't had the chance to meet yet!!

That day I felt like I was in some kind of movie, I was wearing my favourite pair of red heels as I (quite literally) ran through St Pancreas as a piano played (not a lie as I had to run past the International Areivals section) to go find this boy that had been my rock for the past 18 months. We met online during the Summer of 2011, he lived in sunny Malta and I lived in rainy England and that rainy Saturday in February we got to meet.

And after we were cruelly forced away from each other as he had to go to his hotel I received a phone call from another person I had met online during 2011 and so I ran across the road and met my fellow Potterhead friend for the first time in front of Platform 9 3/4s. What a fitting first meeting!!

It was an emotional day where I got to meet so many incredible people for the first time! Furthermore, Selfridges was also a first for me. I'm into period drama big time and I quite like the new series about Selfridges and so having a look round was a must! Nobody had told me how incredible it was!! It was beautiful and is now my joint favourite store in London!!